yielding support
Programming with AMP will benefit from all programming support available in VS: intellisense, building, debugging, profiling, etc.
Yet it developed partly as a result of Israeli support for the idea of a Muslim religious group as a balance against Fatah under Yasser Arafat.
Though it ships from Texas Instruments with Angstrom Linux on board, it's also tuned to support Android and Ubuntu, and arrives pre-loaded with the Cloud9 IDE.
While design patterns such the Participant pattern can yield a similar effect without actually requiring metadata support, they are somewhat abstruse to use.
All of the service implementations support the same abstract interface, so that clients can invoke each of them in the exact same way.
To support both modes, I have abstracted resources and files from the XM core engine.
Cynics might find Russian support for a stringent anti-bribery regime akin to an inveterate alcoholic joining a campaign for total abstinence.
But the toughest condemnation, in the form of a Security-Council resolution, needs China’s support, or at least abstention.
But the toughest condemnation, in the form of a Security-Council resolution, needs China's support, or at least abstention.
France may yet support Palestinian membership of the UN; the Germans will surely champion Israel; the British will probably abstain.
On these terms, France and Britain might be able to support the Palestinians, and the German government could abstain.
The study found girls to be most affected by absentee dads, although the researchers caution that paternal absence can foster other problems such as lack of support or discipline.
They are BOUND by their Oath to support the Constitution, and should they abrogate their Oath by their acts or inaction, are subject to charges of impeachment and censure.
But his abrasive style also made enemies who were stunned by his fall from grace but not prepared to support any attempt by him to stay in office.
Sarkozy had likened his "historic" task of convincing the public to support the carbon tax to other key moments in France, such as decolonisation and the abolition of the death penalty.
Since the Conservativesformed a minority government in 2006, they have tried several times to end theregistry, with the support of hunters, farmers and some aboriginal groups.
Wherever the latest, seemingly abortive, attack was actually aimed, it has also produced alarmingly little Western support.
This entails adding a launch abort capability and life support system, as well as designing spacesuits and the crew cabin layout.
But his speech was interrupted a number of times by anti-abortion hecklers, with most graduating students drowning out the hecklers in support of Mr.Obama.
That includes recognizing Israel, relinquishing their support for terror, and abiding by past agreements.